The soup bowl is like a blank canvas, as is any plate for a chef I suppose. But a soup bowl is somehow less pretentious. A small child, a dad feeding the kids, a busy mom, a family at home on a rainy weekend, and a four star Michelin chef can all make a soup worthy of their time and efforts.
Right now I am re-visiting old favourite soups and also exploring some new recipes. I am tentatively approaching a new soup, because I see all these beautiful lettuce leaves growing in some of the Cambridge community gardens, and local farms. The idea of lettuce soup scares me for some reason. Lettuce seems so delicate and I love for it's crispness. Jacquie thinks it sounds delicious..I think she'll be the one to push me to try making and enjoying a lettuce soup. I will keep you all posted.
Now going down memory lane, I remember my father's dreadful looking soups when my mom was out of town. There's nothing like seeing a soup ladle dredge up a piece of broccoli the size of a small loaf of bread dripping with stock. Yes they tasted good, but dad...a little extra sous-chef time would have been appreciated.
Recently soups are being displayed in the media galleries of Television and Magazines.
Top Chef highlighted soup:
(I'll get the words from TiVo soon)
Bon Appetit highlighted the Parisian restaurant Zoe Bouillon.
Soup is in so many fairy tales. We love Stone Soup and of course there is Little Bear's birthday soup which is an early reader favourite.
Soup's on! Have a bowl, make a bowl, share a bowl.